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【简介】 中和缓蚀剂HK-1512具有中和与成膜双重作用的缓蚀剂,它不仅能中和腐蚀介质内的酸性组份,而且能使成膜成份的极性头部吸咐在金属表面,其尾部吸附的油份构成防止腐蚀性介质侵蚀基体金属的一种机械隔层,从而减少或避免设备的腐蚀,确保装置正常和长周期运转。

【性质】 本助剂外观为淡黄色液体、呈碱性,对人体有刺激性,热稳定性好,不含金属和卤素元素。其质量指标为:

指 标 名 称

指 标

胺值,KOH mg/g


密度,20℃ g/cm3


凝  点,℃




【用途】 本助剂专用于乙烯装置中工艺水汽提塔和稀释蒸汽发生器设备系统的防腐蚀。





【储运】本助剂低毒、水溶、呈碱性、非易燃易爆, 运输时应防止日晒、雨淋及冲击,储存于干燥、阴凉及通风处,远离热源和火源。


 [Briefing] Neutralizer and Corrosion InhibitorHK-1512 is a anti-corrosion agent that has film-forming and neutralization functions. It can not only neutralize the acid content in corrosive medium, but also enable polar head in film to be absorbed on the surface of metal and the oil content absorbed by polar tail in film forms diaphragm that prevents corrosive medium from eroding metal. It has good thermorstability and contains no halogen and metals.

[Properties] The additive is a kind of yellow liquid in appearance. It has a stable property and is alkaline. Its quality accords with the following requirements:


Yellow liquid

Amine value, KOH mg/g


Density, 20℃ g/cm3


Freezing point, ℃


Flash point(closed cup), ℃


[Application ] HK-1512 is specially used for anti-corrosion in process water stripper and diluted steam generator in ethylene plant.

Injection quantity: 10µg/g~40µg/g (process water basis). The injection volume should be 40µg/g for the first 7days so that a layer of film can be formed. Then the injection volume is reduced to 20µg/g for process water stripper and 15µg/g for diluted steam generator and observe and record the change of pH value and the content of Fe2+ at the outlet and adjust the injection volume.

Injection position: In order to have the agent mix with medium well, the injection point should be chosen at inlet pipe of water pumps both for process water stripper and diluted steam generator.

Way of Injection: The additive may be continuously and evenly fed to the system with plunger pump, or diluted with water to a given concentration before use.

[Package] Barrels with plastic lining. Net weight 200±0.5kg.

[Storage and Transportation] HK-1512 is low-toxic, dissoluble with water, inflammable, non-explosive. Be away from fire and heat when storage. No sunlight, rain, collision when transported.

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